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ከሁሉም ዞኖች ጋር ማገናኛዎች

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ


The Voice of America broadcasts daily radio programs to Ethiopia in Amharic. Each program features the latest news, in-depth reports on issues in the news from VOA correspondents and feature reports. የፕሮግራም መግለጫ ወደ 98 ሚሊየን የሚጠጋ ሕዝብ ባላት ኢትዮጵያ አማርኛ ብሔራዊ

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ


Ethiopia related news and features

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ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ


International news, features

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የቪዲዮ ዘገባ

VOA Amharic's video reports cover a range of topics including news, politics, health, economy, business, trade, technology, environment, science,sports, entertainment, entrepreneurship,in Ethiopia and across the world

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

VOA60 አፍሪካ በደቂቃ

VOA60 Africa is on one-minute wrap of the past 24 hours' news and video from the African continent. It includes politics, weather, arts, culture, and the extraordinary events that lead the headlines. Share and be informed - VOA60.

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

VOA60 አሜሪካ በደቂቃ

VOA60 America is on one-minute wrap of the past 24 hours' news and video from the United States. It includes politics, weather, arts, culture, and the extraordinary events that lead the headlines. Share and be informed - VOA60.

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

VOA60 አለም በደቂቃ

VOA60 World is on one-minute wrap of the past 24 hours' news and video from around the world. It includes politics, weather, arts, culture, and the extraordinary events that lead the headlines. Share and be informed - VOA60.

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ጋቢና ቪኦኤ

Early Edition

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

ከምሽቱ ሦስት ሰዓት የአማርኛ ዜና

One-hour broadcasts in Amharic of news, interviews with newsmakers, features about culture, health, youth, politics, agriculture, development and sports on Monday through Sunday evenings at 9:00 in Ethiopia and Eritrea.

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

ሳምንታዊ ዝግጅቶች

ሳምንታዊ ዝግጅቶች VOA Amharic weekly features and radio programs.

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

የሙዚቃ ቃና ቅንብር

ዘወትር ቅዳሜ ማታ ከደሳለኝ መኮንን ጋር፣ምርጥና አዳዲስ የካንትሪ ማለትም የአሜሪካ አገር ሰብእ፣ የሮክ፣ተሶል፣የፖፕ፣የአር-ኤን-ቢ፣ብሉዝ፣የሬጌና የሂፕ-ሃፕ ዜማዎችን እንዲያደምጡ ተጋብዘዋል።

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

የራዲዮ መፅሔት

ሬድዮ መጽሄት

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

የፎቶ መድብሎች

የፎቶግራፎች ገጽ The best and awe-inspiring images and photos from across the world.

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

የእለቱ የፎቶ መድብል

የእለቱ የፎቶ መድብል

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

ፍልሰት ወደ አውሮፓ ሞት ወይም ሽረት

ፍልሰት ወደ አውሮፓ ሞት ወይም ሽረት

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ

ድርቅና የምግብ እጥረት በኢትዮጵያ

በአሁኑ ጊዜ በኤል ኒኞ ምክንያት ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የተከሰተውን ድርቅና የምግብ እጥረት ሁኔታ ቪኦኤ በቅርብ እየተከታተለ ትኩስ መረጃዎችን ያደርስላችኋል፡፡ ከአካባቢውና ከዓለምአቀፍ መሪዎች ጋር የሚደረጉ ቃለ ምልልሶችን እና ለክስተቱ ከተጋለጡ አካባቢዎች የሚገኙ ፎቶዎችንና የቪድዮ ምሥሎችንም ያቀርብላችኋል፡፡

ይድረሰኝ / ይላክልኝ