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VOA Launches Amharic Show to Ethiopia by Satellite

The Voice of America launched satellite transmission of the daily Amharic language programs for our audience in Ethiopia in March.

The international broadcasting agency launched this new means of transmission in order to overcome the jamming being conducted by the Government of Ethiopia. Call or e-mail to us if you have heard the show on your satellite service. We are exploring other alternatives so check our web site for further developments.

Our new satelllite feed is live, so tune in The Big Dish at the normal 9 p.m. shortwave broadcast hour in Ethiopia.

If you have New Skies 57 in the Indian Ocean Region,

Downlink frequency is 4055 Mhz

FEC: ¾

Symbol Rate if 26.0 Msym/s

Network ID is 3

Virtual Channel 438/2R

If you have Afsat on the Atlantic Ocean Region on Intelsat 907

Rotate to 332.5 East,

Download frequency is 3715

FEC: 1/2

Symbol rate is 8.448 MSym/s

Network ID is 1

Virtual Channel is 68/2R