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License Plate Spray Stops Traffic Tickets

Voice of America’s Fregenet Asseged recently talked to Joseph Seyoum, the inventor and CEO of PhantomPlate Inc. This company produces PhotoBlocker Spray application, a product that is designed to save motorists from unjust automated traffic camera tickets. According to Seyoum, government and news reports show that red light and speed cameras are prone to errors and do cause accidents. PhotoBlocker Spray is used by thousands of law-abiding drivers to protect their license plates from prying eyes and from unlawful entrapment.

"No driver should be forced to slam on his/her brake and get rear-ended trying to avoid a ticket from a poorly timed yellow light signal or faulty camera," says Seyoum. PhotoBlocker is legal to buy, sell, and even use in most states.

Joseph Seyoum was born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He came to the USA in 1987 and attended Penn State University. Seyoum graduated in 1993 with a degree in finance and marketing. He started PhantomPlate in 2001. His company has grown by leaps and bounds, serving 23 countries with sales of over 500,000 units.

(Click the link above to listen to Fregenet Asseged's interview with Joseph Seyoum in Amharic)