NGO Defends Young Girl in Rape Case

When a 70-year-old man was charged with the rape of a nine-year-old girl in Awassa, it was an NGO formed by women who gave the girl a proper legal representation in court.

Bright Image for Generation Association made sure that the child had her day in court with a good legal team.The accused man was convicted of rape in a court in southern Ethiopian and the judge sentenced him to 16 years in prison. Henok reported on the case from Ethiopia for the Amharic Service’s Mestawot program.

Host Konjit Taye also gives her listeners other features about youth and health during a Q&A with Ted Alemayehu, founder of U.S. Doctors for Africa, about their new focus on the health of women and children, and the annual report from Save the Children on the 2009 State of the World’s Mothers.

Tune in to Mestawot at 9 p.m. Sunday on VOA.