Hotline Call-in Going Digital -- Callers Take Notice

The VOA Horn of Africa services have switched to a digital Hotline call-in system. The good news is that we are keeping our old Hotline number -- 1-202-205-4447. What is different is that each language now has its own mailbox for incoming calls.

Our mailboxes have been assigned the following extension numbers:

Afan Oromo extension 13
Amharic extension 14
Tigrigna extension 15

What is different for a caller? You'll give the operator the old number and then ADD the extension number of the language mailbox you're calling in to. For example, an Afan Oromo caller will say, "operator, I'm calling Washington DC collect, 1-202-205-4447, extension 13." An Amharic caller will say, "operator, I'm calling Washington DC collect, 1-202-205-4447, extension 14," and a Tigrigna caller will say, "operator, I'm calling Washington DC collect, 1-202-205-4447, extension 15." It's that simple. Call us collect just like you've been doing but be sure to add the extension number along with the old hotline number.