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Ethiopian-American Businessman Honored

Abebe Abraham struggled to make his small business, CMI Management, Inc., in Washington, D.C. a success by winning contracts with government agencies and private firms for records and facilities management. Today his firm has 600 employees and projects in 70 locations throughout the United States and he has was named by the Minority Business & Professionals Network to its list of the "Fifty Influential Minorities in Business." This list honors minority men and women from the federal government, large corporations and small businesses who have made significant contributions to the nation's economy, share a commitment to professional excellence and have demonstrated strong leadership in their business and industry.

In the United States, Abebe is known for mentoring minority and disadvantaged business people. He has also established a scholarship for the high school he attended in Ethiopia, giving educational opportunity to several youngsters. He talked with VOA Afan Oromo program reporter Jalene Gemeda about his professional activities and his dedication to serving the community.

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